Vampire (Science)
Required Traits: (Is counted at one trait for fertility purposes)
- Retractable fangs (can be hidden or extended), Vampires Saliva automatically has an 'aphrodisiac' effect, causing victims not to feel pain/ feel good at the bite
- Blood ingestion (Can eat "normal" food but will not gain nutrients from it, requires blood to survive. Lack of blood will mean lack of strength, losing of abilities, and eventually death)
- Sun Allergy (Can be out in the sun, however, after extended times will 'burn' and become sick)
Optional traits:
- Longevity (Can live 4x's the average length of an opexo. Obtaining blood from the first vampire can extend this)
- Hypnosis (Can convince Opexos to follow the vampire/ forget small periods, suggestion )
- Enhanced senses (can see in the dark, stronger, faster, and more agile than the average opexo)
- Mist transform (Can change into a ball of mist and travel to another place for a short time)
- Bat communication & Transform into a bat (Can interact and have bats follow. Aka, are batman)
- Rapid heal (heals at a much more rapid rate and is not invincible, but can handle a lot more damage than the average opexo)
Note: Vampires can have either Bat OR Mist transform, not both