
<a href=" Teddy" class="display-item">Azreal Teddy</a>

Azreal Teddy

Category: Miscellaneous

A teddy made to resemble the King of Berkir, created by doll maker Sally!

<a href="" class="display-item">Lootbox</a>


Category: Lootboxes


1 Rare ??? Voucher

1 Glowing Syringe

2000 Uni's

<a href=" Lootbox" class="display-item">Golden Lootbox</a>

Golden Lootbox

Category: Lootboxes


One Rare ??? Voucher 

3 Golden Coins

1 Giftbox

<a href=" Treasure" class="display-item">Small Treasure</a>

Small Treasure

Category: Lootboxes


5000 UNI

<a href=" Treasure" class="display-item">Medium Treasure</a>

Medium Treasure

Category: Lootboxes


10, 000 UNI

<a href=" Treasure" class="display-item">Grand Treasure</a>

Grand Treasure

Category: Lootboxes


15, 000 UNI

<a href=" Box" class="display-item">Helper Box</a>

Helper Box

Category: Lootboxes


"To help someone in times of need"

Helper box includes: 

1000 Uni
One Rare ??? Voucher
3 Golden Coins
1 Giftbox

<a href=" Opexo MYO" class="display-item">Common Opexo MYO</a>

Common Opexo MYO

Category: Vouchers

"He's a Stan - Standard Edition" - Stix

Opexo MYO Voucher allowing only Common Traits

<a href=" Opexo MYO" class="display-item">Rare Opexo MYO</a>

Rare Opexo MYO

Category: Vouchers

"Just a special little Dove, aren't we?" - The Ringmaster

MYO Voucher allowing up to Rare Traits

<a href=" Opexo Voucher" class="display-item">Mythical Opexo Voucher</a>

Mythical Opexo Voucher

Category: Vouchers

"Unmei and Yume grant their blessings this day to you~" - Miko

MYO Opexo Voucher allowing the use of any common and rare trait PLUS up to 5 Mythical traits 

<a href=" Sintec MYO Shard" class="display-item">Common Sintec MYO Shard</a>

Common Sintec MYO Shard

Category: Vouchers

Earth Variant Only

<a href=" Sintec MYO Shard" class="display-item">Rare Sintec MYO Shard</a>

Rare Sintec MYO Shard

Category: Vouchers

Earth variant only

<a href=" Variant Token" class="display-item">Fire Variant Token</a>

Fire Variant Token

Category: Vouchers

Fire Variant Upgrade (Must be used with a rare shard)

<a href=" Variant Token" class="display-item">Water Variant Token</a>

Water Variant Token

Category: Vouchers

Water Variant Upgrade (Must be used with a rare shard)

Rare ??? MYO

Category: Vouchers

Myo Rare voucher for any species

<a href=" Flower" class="display-item">Blood Flower</a>

Blood Flower

"The most delectable flowers that are ever to exist~" - Eowyn 

A crafting item found in Bekrir. It drips a crimson liquid when squeezed.

<a href=" Vial" class="display-item">Rainbow Vial</a>

Rainbow Vial

"Put them all together and watch the rainbow come to life~" The Ringmaster

A crafting item found in Bekrir. A vial of mysterious liquid that shimmers different colors. It appears to be all the other liquids mixed. 

<a href=" Vial" class="display-item">Black Vial</a>

Black Vial

"Alone they do nothing, together they become something amazing." - Azrael 

A crafting Item found in Bekrir. It is unknown what the liquid is inside.

<a href=" Vial" class="display-item">Blue Vial</a>

Blue Vial

"Alone they do nothing, together they become something amazing." - Azrael 

A crafting Item found in Bekrir. It is unknown what the liquid is inside.

132 results found.