Poison Magic (Kikisemaru)
The user is able to use a form of magic that controls venom and poisons. This magic can augment, create, spread, or even weaken and eliminate poisons.
Decay Magic (Kikisemaru)
The user is able to make a substance that is able to make things rot and decay upon contact. The longer it takes for that thing to rot and decay the more energy is used. Users must be careful with what they choose to decay as if they deplete their energy, decay magic will start to decay the user.
Duo Magic (Keiken'na)
An opexo that has been blessed with more then one magical ability but does not exceed 3. It is said that Opexos that have more then 1 magical ability has been personally blessed by the gods thay lay dormant in the world of Xochilia
Dream magic (Keiken'na)
Magic that is often more powerful than Mythical magic. I.E: Animatopathy becoming Fire sentience