Protruding bones (Kikisemaru)
Bones that protrude out of the body, it can vary from aggressive or subtle
X-ray bones (Kikisemaru)
Bones that have an X-ray effect upon the host, will always show through the muscle, skin, flesh and fur and can glow but does not have to. It is also not limited to the usual blueish e-ray colors but can come in a range of colors.
Can be partial or full, and bones can be simplified
Smoke horns (Kikisemaru)
Horns that are replaced by visible smoke, they are constantly in motion
Crystalized ears (Kikisemaru)
Ears that have been crystalized, there is still some skin but very little and it is usually on the inner ear. The crystals will be whatever gemstone that opexo's bones are.
Bat ears (Kikisemaru)
Gives the host super hearing, to the point where they can hear within the ultrasonic range
Souless eyes (Kikisemaru)
Large round eyes that glow, they display no pupil or irises. Reports have mentioned that looking into the souless eyes feels as if one looks into a spiritual portal that devoids them of emotions the more they look into them
Bone tail (Kikisemaru)
An opexos tail is completely skeletalized, from base to head. The tail is still alive, but its spine, ribs, and skull is show.
Cursed tail (Kikisemaru)
Tail that is abnormal from the normal tail, usually containing unique scales or unique features.
Metasoma whiskers (Kikisemaru)
Whiskers with the tips being Metasoma (Scorpion tails) the tips containing a paralyzing poison.
Spectral Whiskers (Kikisemaru)
Spectral whiskers that are usually in the shape of hands, or weapons with the ability to be fully see through
Black light scales (Kikisemaru)
Scales that illumiates like a black light, combined with markings of light colors can cause those colors to illuminate and glow