Full metal (Keiken'na)
Category: Bones
When an opexo's bones are fully or 90% metal
I.E: Gold, silver, copper, etc
Horn replacement (Keiken'na)
Category: Horns
Species: Opexo
Horn replacement can replace horns with anything else, I.E Antennas
Detached Horns (Keiken'na)
Category: Horns
Horns that are often partially of fully deattached from the host. They tend to float above or around the host and can move around
Spirit Tail (Keiken'na)
Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo
A tail that has been disconnected by its host by natural means, and given a 2nd chance at life to come back. It has the ability to float around it's host but cannot travel too far away from it's host opexo as the connection will be lost and it risks fadding out. They often glow and are put together by energy. They are still physical beings and can interact with things.
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