
Common Opexo Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Opexo

None (Mythical)

Category: Ears

Anubian Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Opexo

Furless ears that stand erect. They resemble the egyptian god Anubis or a jackel. 

Elongated Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Opexo

Extra Small Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Opexo

Oversized Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Opexo

Tiny Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Opexo

Elven Ears (Mythical)

Category: Ears
Species: Opexo

Small Elven ears that are located lower upon the opexos head. 

Crystalized ears (Kikisemaru)

Category: Ears

Ears that have been crystalized, there is still some skin but very little and it is usually on the inner ear. The crystals will be whatever gemstone that opexo's bones are.

Bat ears (Kikisemaru)

Category: Ears

Gives the host super hearing, to the point where they can hear within the ultrasonic range

Full Fur (Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Opexo

Fairy Ears (Keiken'na)

Category: Ears

Look like Dragonfly or butterfly wings

Common Sintec Ears (Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Sintec

Extra Long Elven (Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Sintec

Small Elven Ears (Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Sintec

Non-humanoid (Mythical)

Category: Ears
Species: Sintec

Dream Ears (Keiken'na)

Category: Ears
Species: Sintec

Longer Ears (Mythical)

Category: Ears
Species: Sintec (Water subtype)

Longer ears for water subtype

22 results found.