
Bone tail (Kikisemaru)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

An opexos tail is completely skeletalized, from base to head. The tail is still alive, but its spine, ribs, and skull is show. 

Cobra Tail (Kikisemaru)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

Hammer Tail (Rare)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

Fairy Tail (Keiken'na)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

Tail Elemental Control (Keiken'na)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

Tail can control it's own element/ magic, but must be sentient 

Elemental tail mane (Mythical)

Category: Opexo Tails

The tail has a mane that has it's own element or the same element as it's host.

26 results found.