
1 - 5 eyes

1 - 5 eyes (Common)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo
No eyes

No eyes (Rare)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo
6 eyes

6 eyes (Rare)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo
7 eyes

7 eyes (Mythical)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo
2 Tails

2 Tails (Mythical)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

Cannot have telepathic communication and two tails 

Tail Ears

Tail Ears (Mythical)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo
Spirit Tail

Spirit Tail (Keiken'na)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

A tail that has been disconnected by its host by natural means, and given a 2nd chance at life to come back.  It has the ability to float around it's host but cannot travel too far away from it's host opexo as the connection will be lost and it risks fadding out. They often glow and are put together by energy. They are still physical  beings and can interact with things. 

Scaled tail (Rare)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

Scales that go down the tail to the tail head, it wraps around the tail leaving the underside exposed.

Cerberus tail

Cerberus tail (Mythical)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

Cerberus tail is any mutated tail that has 3 or 4 tail heads.

Tail Mimicry

Tail Mimicry (Rare)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

Mimicry on tail of certain traits, such as scales or fur 

Primal Tail

Primal Tail (Mythical)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

Primal tails are often more primitive looking than others, with multiple scale plates making a fiercer appearance. They have prior traits such as a snake tong, and venom stored in their fangs. This venom is non-lethal but paralyzes Opexos for a brief time. The poison is stored and when used must replenish their it. This venom used to be lethal, however, as opexos evolved their bodies became more immune, and is why most tails have evolved into what they are today.

Gem Teeth

Gem Teeth (Mythical)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo
Elemental tail head

Elemental tail head (Mythical)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

The head of the tail can be any element 

Hydra Tail

Hydra Tail (Keiken'na)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

A tail with more than 3 heads, they are able to grow back when cut off.

XXL tail

XXL tail (Keiken'na)

Category: Opexo Tails
Species: Opexo

A tail that is even longer than a xtra long tail, it can even increase it's length! 

26 results found.