Black Syringe
Category: General Items
"Take a deep breath; this will only take a moment." - Dr. X
Rerolls all traits of a specific character or MYO Voucher
Glowing Syringe
Category: General Items
"I'll use the good tools~" - Dr. X
Rerolls all traits with enhanced luck for a specific Opexo or MYO voucher
Box of Dye
Category: General Items
"Just a little trim~" - Dr. X
Allows one to change partially the color of their character (for small changes/ one or two colors)
Tub of Dye
Category: General Items
"We will get out the vat for this one." - Dr. X
Allows one to change all colors on chosen character
Dr.X's Scalpel
Category: General Items
"A whole new you~" - Dr. X
Allows one trait to be redesigned (aka horn style, ear style, eyes, etc.) as long as they are in the same category (unless paired with an upgrade item).
???'s Scalpel
Category: General Items
"I'll make you in the most glorious image of-" - ????
Allows all traits to be redesigned (aka horn style, ear style, eyes, etc.) as long as they are in the same category (unless paired with an upgrade item).
Huney Jar
Category: General Items
Either that's spelt wrong, or someones name is Huney.
A jar filled with fresh honey.