Submission (#357) Approved

3 November 2024, 21:55:13 UTC (2 months ago)
30 November 2024, 16:57:37 UTC (1 month ago) by TCS
<p>As the day dragged on Solara's light began to wane, finally dipping down below the canopy of giant trees that dominated this place, the daily death of lifegiving grace. Many, perhaps those of weaker constitution, took this as a sign to depart the grounds of the Carnival, perhaps even fearing it already too late, the twin moon's light a dim comparison through the almost malignant pall that hung upon the air. Others may have had their fill of merriment, games, attractions, food and drink providing a pleasant sufficiency that need not be pressed further. For further still, there was such to be had, just because the day was ending did not by any account mean that the festivities were drawing to a close.</p>
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<p>A multitude of lights flickered to life, wisps of colour in blues, yellow, pink and greens, a rainbow of shades cast eerily through the mists that hung upon the land like a malignant blanket. If anything, this place seemed to be coming even more to life as night drew deeper, a Nights Festival in truth, darkness's chokehold no hindrance to the inhabitants to be found, or for those brave enough to seek out such... misadventures. And so it was a steady stream of spent revellers scurrying away, arms laden with teddies, macabre oddities or even one or two with golden eggs, that passed by the few still arriving for the evening's entertainment. Scattering away as some colossal beast stepped ponderously along the path, it's sheer size more than compensating for it's slow tread, as distance was still consumed apace. A craggy silhouette casting shadows from it's glowing bulk, darkness interspersed with patches of pulsing heat, an overwhelming sense of... solidity... emanating from it, not a calm peace from the giant, more a certainty of readiness should it be riled from it's gentler aspect. Yet as much as the hulking form drew respect for its path ahead, it was the figure perched atop that truly drew the scattering eyes. </p>
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<p>Glimpse of features in the gloom showed a strong jaw set in a stoic demeanor, lines of his face as if chiseled from the bare rock itself. The males eye's shedding a flickering glow as if themselves aflame, a nimbus of fire around him highlighting the furled pinions tucked close against his broad back. Most stark, for those who remained long enough for eyes to linger over at his great height, was the almost phantasmic entity that seemed to surround the male. Almost tangible flames arose about his head, a pair of eyes flickering around even as the body remained unmoving, tendrils of fire curl around the gaint male, down and around his arms holding firm upon the beast's reigns.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>A year past Svarog had come to this place with his eldest daughter Kupala. A period of father daughter bonding, full of simple pleasures, this year she had been sadly absent, busy with her new clothes emporium venture, so too his wife opted to return to her old home nearby and check for any possessions left behind. So Rog had come here alone, earlier had wandered the lanes, gazed into the blood moon portal, even as he largely had kept to himself. He had made sure to collect a full set of the plush characters that had been created this year as prizes, he expected Kup would approve, and maybe he would suggest to Morana they drop them off on their way home. Smile tugging at his face as he imagined giving them life, to march into Kup's shop to surprise her... "Boss! Stop smiling! You are ruining the aesthetic!" At the crackling whisper, the giant Opexo rolled back his eyes, Ingnis, his first permanent sentient living flame, the beating heart of Íseldur, was a touch on the dramatic... after checking that no harm would come to their home by it's absence, Rog and Mora had acceded to the entreaty to join Svarog on his trip. Wrapping its creator within its flames, it remained fed without fuel, the power of the opexo sustenance enough. So it too got to enjoy the outside world, at least for a brief spell. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Svarog was headed toward some sort of mascarade ball, he had seen a poster at the Carnival, and Ignis had lept, literally his flames had lept high, at the prospect of a bit of facade and chicanery. Crowning Svarog, Ignis effected possession, an appearance given of riding his hosts body like a drone, a caricature of a marionette, rope like tendrils to mimic puppeteers control. Flames having no effect upon Rog's fire blessed form he lifted arms jerkily as in greeting, a faux fire strings controlled recognition given to the worker at the grounds entry way. Quiet growl given towards the entity thrilled to be loose to play, a warning not to flare too high, banners and bunting flammable, and that was distinctly not the drama that Svarog could accept. </p>
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<p>Before long the main thoroughfare narrowed, a clear destination all paths led to, a large structure, almost like a temple in its semblance, but a sense of impermanence clung to its wooden structure. As they approached, faint trills of haunting melody clashed with the occasional sharp staccato of singular voices pitched as if in terror. Darkened windows sealed any light within, even the cracks surrounding the grand portal doorway emitted little light to suggest a party or jovial gathering ongoing, but maybe such should not be expected in truth. Not in this place.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Reaching the buildings front, Rog pulled upon Saskohen reigns, a gentle pat upon the stretched neck of his Lavagard leading to its halt. "Do it," came the faint crackle, "please boss, as we talked about." The large male took a deep breathe, unsure how he managed to let himself be persuaded into such things... with arms raised the tendrils of Ignis's fire uncurled from around the strong forearms of the glowing black Opexo, allowing them to hang like the puppeteers strings and Rog jumped free of his mount, as if cast off by some invisible dominator's hand. Striding up to the doors his own eyes took close note of the wooden walls, a modicum of concern filling him, but a trust Ignis wouldn't let itself get carried away. Hands reached for the doors, but before they could push them ajar pyrotechnic strands flexed hard and flung them wide to reveal a macabre dance shrouded in shadows and dark. Confident steps led Svarog to the threshold, silhouette cast by the enormous Lavagard behind him and the faint grow of the moons. He suspected that maybe their visit would not last particularly long, but he was happy to allow some leeway for Ignis to enjoy itself, he was responsible for its existence after all. Crossing over the boundary Rog felt excitement bubbling around him, a sharp pulse of heat as he could feel his creature feed upon his power. Flames burst forth high, wide and strong, caressing the wooden surrounds, "Let there be Light!" The voices cracked forcefully through the air, a rueful sigh escaped Rog... this could end badly...</p>
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Unvivos 100
