Corruption traits, which fall under the Kikisemaru umbrella, are unique. These traits are found only in a few Opexos and are known as curses to those with them. Some traits do not immediately seem like corruption, while others stand out and are immediately apparent.
The Queen and King of Bekrir are the only ones who seem to know how to receive corrupted traits and consider them a gift. However, one should never wish too hard for a particular trait, as each Opexo's body reacts differently, and the dice may deliver a different trait than what was expected.
Those wanting children must be aware the more corruption in your body, the less likely you are to give birth. It is up to you if you are ready to take the risk.
Corruption traits include but are not limited too . . .
Monsterous Stature (As seen on Eowyn) - Taller than 9' up to 11'
Unusual Scales (As seen on Hadeon) - Scales that do not follow the normal patterns and seem to be growing over each other or broken
Chamelon Eyes (As seen on Azrael) - Eyes that shift and change depending on the Opexos mood
Radioactive Bones (As seen on Azrael) - Bones that are radioactive or Poisonous, depending on the amount of bone shown, other Opexo's may feel ill after long periods around them
Knowledge is power, and the scientists are quick to agree. These traits are unique, and although falling under the Kikisemaru rarity umbrella, are known in the inner circle that they come from the kingdom of Felkesia. Unlike corruption, these science traits are immediately frowned upon, allowing certain trait holders to blend into society more than others. However, as some science traits are monsters, certain traits may mean you hide who you are or be burned at the stake.
These traits push an Opexo past their current evolutionary line, creating monsters that are able to walk and do more than the average Opexo. Aquatic Nymph Opexos are the most well-known because the Science Kingdom Head of Life Twins are from this line, but others are there worldwide. Of all Science traits, Nymphs are the only ones truly accepted.
Experiements have slowed down, coming to a stop for the most part while they work on other aspects. However, Eowyn appears to know some tricks of her own. These traits have the same drawbacks as Corruption - Lower fertility and an inability to know what you may receive.
As certain science traits are more acceptable than others, it will be indicated under the trait description for lore purposes.
Science Traits Include but are not limited too. . .
Nymph (as seen on the Head Science Twins) - Opexos are based on particular elements, becoming more akin to them. Water nymphs, for instance, are able to semi-breath underwater, as long as they are not in too deep of water and have fins, becoming one with water.
Therianthropy - Allowing the Opexo to transform into a particular animal like werewolves.
Lavalamp (as seen on Lucien) - Parts of Opexo's body are made of what appears to be water, constantly shifting like that of a lava lamp with different levels of glow and shifting material.